#100DaysOfRunning challenge is a unique challenge for all the health enthusiasts. In this challenge one has to run minimum 2KM every day for 100 continuous days, #NoMatterWhat. This challenge is a global challenge and many people participate in it for consistency, self-motivation and better health.
This challenge starts at the end of April and finishes in first week of August. This year it is started on 28th of April and would be completed on 5th August. First time we have created an All India group of CIO Runners and 16 runners took this challenge. Out of those 11 runners are still continuing this challenge and would be finishing the same.
As CIO’s Of India promotes health (CIO Run, Yoga , Cricket) among CIOs we have decided to share the stories of those 11 runners and we would be facilitating them too. Hopefully next year more CIOs would take this challenge to get benefit out of it.

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